Self-Affirmation: A Positive Psychological Approach to Self-Integrity, Self-Control and Academic Stress among Double Jeopardy Students of District Jalandhar, Punjab.


  • Mobina khan Research Scholar, School of Education, Lovely Professional University, India Autor/a
  • Nimisha Beri Professor, School of Education, Lovely Professional University, India Autor/a

Palabras clave:

Self-Affirmation, Jeopardy, Self-Integrity, Self-Control, Academic Stress



Objective: To assess the effectiveness of a Self-Affirmation Intervention in enhancing Self-Integrity, Self-control, and alleviating Academic stress among students facing the double jeopardy challenge.

Method: The study uses self-Integrity scale, self-control scale and stress Inventory on a sample of 64 migrant female students from three government schools in Jalandhar, Punjab, India. Additionally, the self-affirmation intervention program developed by Cohen et al., (2006) (Adapted in Hindi Language) is employed for the Intervention phase.

The study began with a pre-test involving 64 migrant female students. Participants were split into Experimental (Intervention) and Control (no Intervention) groups. After pre-test an Intervention is given to the experimental group. A second Intervention was given to the Experimental group 45 days later, while the Control group had no additional Intervention, followed by post-tests for both groups.

Results: The findings indicate that migrant girls in the Experimental group demonstrate elevated levels of self-Integrity and self-control compared to those in the Control group. Furthermore, a significant reduction in academic stress is observed in the Experimental group, while no substantial difference is noted in the Control group.

Conclusion: These findings contribute to the needs of vulnerable student populations. The simplicity and cost-effectiveness of the self-affirmation Intervention strategy suggest its potential for widespread adoption across schools without necessitating specialized teacher training


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Cómo citar

khan, M., & Beri, N. (2024). Self-Affirmation: A Positive Psychological Approach to Self-Integrity, Self-Control and Academic Stress among Double Jeopardy Students of District Jalandhar, Punjab. Cuestiones De Fisioterapia, 53(03), 260-270.