Study and treatment of a case through the application The Mezieres Method


  • J C Martin Fisioterapeuta. E scuela Universitaria de Ciencias de la Salud. Z aragoza Author
  • M Orosia Lucha Lopez Profesora A sociada. E scuela Universitaria de Ciencias de la Salud. Z aragoza Author
  • S Caudevilla Polo Fisioterapeuta. E scuela Universitaria de Ciencias de la Salud. Z aragoza Author
  • J M Tricas Moreno Profesor Titular E scuela Universitaria de Ciencias de la Salud. Z aragoza Author


Scoliosis, muscular chains.


 In this study it has been made the analysis of a treatment with the Mezieres method's. The patient was affected by heavy pain in the back especially in the dorsal spine, supposed to be provoqued by a dorsolumbar scoliosis.
Matherial and methods
  It has been made a exploration with the next test before and after the treatment: distance between the fingers and the floor, Ott's sing, Shober's sign, Kliber's cutaneus fold, viscero-diaphragmatic valo¬
isation, pain analogic scale, photographic postural valuation and spirometry.
  The treatment was 13 sessions that included the stretching postures indicated for Mdzidres to this type of case.
  It has been observed a better distance between the fingers and the floor and a better subjective sensation of pain, as well as a minor diaphragmatic tension. In the spirometry it has been registered better values in FIVi and PIE
  In photographs is has been constated a minor dorsal and lumbar curvature and also a better pos¬
  The Mezieres method has achieve a improvement of the pain and of the static position, basic ob¬
ectives of the treatment, in the case submitted to study.


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How to Cite

Martin, J. C., Orosia Lucha Lopez, M., Caudevilla Polo, S., & Tricas Moreno, J. M. (1999). Study and treatment of a case through the application The Mezieres Method. Cuestiones De Fisioterapia, 12(1), 63-78.