Physiotherapeutic treatment In headaches: analysis of a clinical case with hemicranial headache and chronic hemifacial


  • C Fernandez de las Penas Fisioterapeuta. Profesor Titular Interino de Escuela Universitaria. Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (URJC) de Madrid. Unidad Docente e Investigadora de Fisioterapia, Terapia Ocupacional, Rehabilitation y Medicina Fisica de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud de la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. Author


Hemi-cranial headache. Tension-type headache. Peri-cranial musculature. Manual the¬ rapy. Physiotherapeutic treatment


Introduction: One of the most employed treatments from headache sufferers is physical therapy approach. The aim of the current case report is to expose the results from the physiotherapeutic treatment of a patient suffering from hemi-cranial and hemi-facial chronic headache, concomitant with tension-type headache.

Case report: Patient, woman of 57 years old suffering from hemi-cranial and hemi-facial chronic headache, concomitant with tension-type headache, which treatment with Tryptizol, Vestiran, Trankimazin and Neurontin was not successful. She goes to a physical therapy centre where she received a physiotherapeutic protocol in which the soft tissues of the cervical and peri-cranial structures were treated. The patient received two weekly treatments during 3 weeks (a total of 6 sessions). Headache intensity, frequency and duration were assessed by the patient in a headache diary during 10 weeks. The Spanish version of the Health Questionnaire SF-36 was assessed pre-treatment and one month after finish the intervention. Pre-, post- and 3 weeks follow-up data were assessed from the following outcome measures: total tenderness score, pressure pain threshold and presence of myofascial trigger points. The results have shown a good improvement in all the nociceptive outcome measures, as well as in all domains of the SF-36 questionnaire. In the headache diary, it was observed a 2-point improvement in the headache intensity outcome.

Conclusions: The current case report has shown the possible efficacy of the physiotherapeutic management of hemi-cranial and hemi-facial chronic headache in reducing nociceptive measure¬ ments as well as in improving the quality of life.




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How to Cite

Fernandez de las Penas, C. (2004). Physiotherapeutic treatment In headaches: analysis of a clinical case with hemicranial headache and chronic hemifacial. Cuestiones De Fisioterapia, 27(1), 62-72.