
  • A M Mesa Ruiz F isioterapeuta de A tencion P rimaria. UGC L os Velez. A lmeria Author
  • M aJ Peinado N ievaS E nfermera del A rea de Gestion Sanitaria N orte de A lmeria Author
  • P Barroso Garcia Tecnico de Salud de E pidemiologia del A rea de Gestion Sanitaria N orte de Almeria Author
  • R Lopez Liria P rofesora Colaboradora del D epartamento de E nfemeria y F isioterapia. Universidad de A lmeria Author
  • Ma I Martinez Sanchez F isioterapeuta de A tencion P rimaria. UGC A lbox. A lmeria Author
  • M C Romero Perez F isioterapeuta deAtencidn P rimaria. UGC Seron. A lmeria Author


Physical therapy, primary care, DAFO analysis.


 Aim: to know the welfare activity and to identify strengths, opportunities, weaknesses and threats in a new physiotherapy service. Methods: descriptive observational study. Factors that could influence in the functioning of the service were analyzed using a SWOT analysis. The welfare activity was registered too. Period of study: 36 months (November 2003 to October 2006). Sources of information: Clinical History of Physiotherapy, SIGAP monthly registry, daily monitoring sheet, codified registry and incidences record. Results: 5 strengths, 7 opportunities, 4 weaknesses, 2 threats and 2 mixed factors were identified. 819 patients have treated during the period of study (334 initiated treatment in Period I, 254 in II and 231 in III). 5.751 sessions have been made in Period I,5.023 in II and 5.476 in III. The delay average is of 31 days in Period I, 7 in II and 9 in III. In Period III, the percentage of preferential patients was increased (40.7 %), just as the percentage of patients derived with neurological, postsurgical or traumatic pathology (39.4 %) and total of domiciliary sessions (58). The percentage of patients including in group therapy in Period III has diminished (13.4 %). Conclusions: it is considered that identification of flattering and negatives factors is useful in the beginning of physiotherapy activity because allows to carry out improvement measures for the daily work.


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How to Cite

Mesa Ruiz, A. M., Peinado N ievaS, M. aJ, Barroso Garcia, P., Lopez Liria, R., Martinez Sanchez, M. I., & Romero Perez, M. C. (2007). APPLICATION OF SWOT ANALYSIS IN A NEWLY CREATED PHYSIOTHERAPY ROOM. Cuestiones De Fisioterapia, 34(1), 46-60.