
  • A M Mesa Ruiz F isioterapeuta de A tencidn P rimaria. UGC L os Velez. A lmeria Author
  • Ma I Martinez Sanchez F isioterapeuta de A tencion P rimaria. UGC A lbox. A lmeria Author
  • M C Romero Perez F isioterapeuta de A tencion P rimaria. UGC Serdn. A lmeria Author
  • P Barroso Garcia Tecnico de Salud de E pidemiologta. Seccidn de E pidemiologta del A rea de Gestion Sanitaria N orte de A lmeria Author


Physical therapy, primary care, Integrated Welfare Process, quality.


 Aim: to study the role of the Physiotherapy in primary care into the Welfare Processes. Methods: descriptive observational study. Integrated Welfare Processes Guidelines related to the performance of physiotherapist in primary care and implanted in the Area of North Sanitary Management of Almeria was selected. It was analyzed if the welfare activity made in three physiotherapy services (Albox, Los Vdlez and Serbn) were adapted to the indicated thing in the same ones. Period of study: January of 2004 to June of 2006. Sources of information: cards of derivation of the Service of Re habitation, Clinical History of Physiotherapy and Integrated Welfare Processes Guidelines. Results: 04 patients were treated whose pathology corresponded to Integrated Welfare Processes (45.6 %of them corresponded to degenerative osteoarthritis of knee and hip and 27.9 % to acute ischemic stroke). In the four guides where the physiotherapist of primary care appears (degenerative osteoarthritis of knee and hip, knee arthroplasty, fracture of hip in elderly and fibromyalgia syndrome) the derivation doesn't adapt with Integrated Welfare Processes Guides. Discussion: in general, the characteristics of quality in each process are fulfilled, not therefore in recommended treatments. In the processes published after the beginning of the Plan of Support to the Andalusian Families it's begun to develop the figure of physiotherapy of primary care. It could be possible to improve the processes to be follow in derivations as well as to include the real role of physiotherapist of primary care in the attendance, both physiotherapy services and home visit.


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How to Cite

Mesa Ruiz, A. M., Martinez Sanchez, M. I., Romero Perez, M. C., & Barroso Garcia, P. (2007). PHYSIOTHERAPIST ACTUATIONN PRIMARY CARE IN RELATION TO INTEGRATED CARE PROCESSES. Cuestiones De Fisioterapia, 34(1), 35-45.